Welcome To Texas Justice And Corrections

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This website is dedicated to the overseeing of the process of justice in Texas. Here you will find articles, stories, legal research, resources and reporting on the death penalty. Our main goal is to report abuses in the criminal justice system and the courts that are responsible for the administration of justice in Texas. We will strive to hold accountable the institutions and the persons responsible for the offenders in their charge. We will also follow and publish exonerations of the wrongly convicted. Please feel free to send your comments, stories, or any questions you may have. It is our hope that through accountability we can be sure that justice is administered in a fair, consistent, and unbiased manner as provided for in the United States Constitution.

My name is Christal Luna. I am a former Correctional Officer and Court Official. I am also a Paralegal with experience in appeals and litigation. I have been employed as a translator/interpreter for both State and Federal Courts and the Office of the State Attorneys Office. I am 18 credit hours away from completing My Masters Degree in Law with a Forensics major. I offer services in legal research and transcript review. I have a total of 25 years experience in Criminal and Civil law. I am also a Mental Health Counselor and Court Advocate for the mentally ill.

Law and legal terminology for the lay person

Contact Us: christalluna@texasjusticeandcorrections.itgo.com

A Prison Story:

Faces of Innocence:

Behind the Scenes of My Home Page

                           COMING SOON:

Cameron Todd Willingham : The reports, the execution and the evidence.

The Death Penalty

Prisoners Stories: Letters from the inside

Family Stories: Doing time on the outside

Three Strikes and Mandatory Minimums


Question and answer fourm

